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Nervous system [Look At The Human Body, Crash course (Gareth Stevens Publishing)]by Edwards, Jonas 

BTSB Prebound(Gareth Stevens, 2022)

BTSB #: 303760 Available

Dewey: 612.8/NAges: 8-11   

Subjects: Nervous system Brain Nerves Human anatomy Physiology

Summary: Gives readers a look into the human nervous system, including how the brain sends messages to other body parts to control movements and other functions.

17.34 *

Nervous system [Crash course (Gareth Stevens Publishing), Look At The Human Body]by Edwards, Jonas 

Paperback(Gareth Stevens, 2022)

BTSB #: 303761 Available

Dewey: 612.8/NAges: 8-11   

Subjects: Nervous system Brain Nerves Human anatomy Physiology

Summary: Gives readers a look into the human nervous system, including how the brain sends messages to other body parts to control movements and other functions.

8.53 *

Sistema nervioso [Ciencia basica: El cuerpo humano]by Hansen, Grace 

BTSB PreboundSPANISH(Abdo Kids, 2020)

BTSB #: 418408 Temp OS

Dewey: 612.8/NAges: 4-8   
Lexile: 720

Subjects: Nervous system Neurons Vasomotor system Human anatomy Nerves Spanish language - Reading materials

Summary: An introduction to the nervous system, including everything the system does, from the sensation of feeling to how memories are stored, the cells called neurons, the brain, spinal cord, and more. In Spanish.

23.96 *

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