Birthday Book Club
J.L. Boren Elementary

Make a Donation

Donations can be made in two ways:

  1. Select specific titles from the school wish list. Donor name plates can be customized and inserted in each book selected.
  2. Donate a specific dollar amount and Bound to Stay Bound Books will select titles from the wish list to fulfill the amount. (A minimum donation of $10.00 is required.)

Donate Book

Donate Money

Ralph the Mouse S.O.S. Library

Support Our Library is a free and easy-to-use web based service that allows businesses, families and the community to donate online to your school library.Read More

Questions and AnswersQ AND A

It takes team work in education. In order to support each other we strive to help and answer all questions, requests and concerns. Read More


Making a donation is simple! With your help, we can achieve our goal and fill the school library with new books that meet our schools needs. credit cardRead More

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