Bound To Stay Bound

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 Gift for Nana
 Author: Smith, Lane

 Publisher:  Random House Studio (2022)

 Classification: Easy
 Physical Description: [33] p., col. ill., 22 x 28 cm

 BTSB No: 827116 ISBN: 9780593430330
 Ages: 4-8 Grades: K-3

 Rabbits -- Fiction
 Gifts -- Fiction
 Grandmothers -- Fiction

Price: $23.78

A little rabbit is on the hunt for the perfect gift for his grandmother.

   Kirkus Reviews (+) (02/15/22)
   School Library Journal (06/01/22)
   Booklist (02/15/22)
 The Hornbook (00/05/22)

Full Text Reviews:

Booklist - 02/15/2022 It’s not a special occasion, but Rabbit wants to give his grandmother a gift in this gentle tale perhaps inspired by the classic Mr. Rabbit and the Lovely Present. The love between the young rabbit and Nana is evident in the way he describes her smile and how she talks to him. Rabbit, meeting a crow who says the “perfect gift” is not far away, sets out to find it. During his journey, he receives gift suggestions from the moon, a whale, a stickler (a multi-eyed fantasy creature), and a volcano. The quest is harder than he imagined but worth it because the gift is for Nana. The vivid orange endpapers provide a clue when Rabbit climbs a tall peak to access the perfect—carrot! Mixed-media illustrations playfully capture Rabbit’s perseverance. The visual perspective takes a wide view as Rabbit talks to large things like the moon and the volcano, then shifts to close-up when Rabbit delivers the gift, highlighting the two characters and the love they share. - Copyright 2022 Booklist.

Booklist - 02/15/2022 - Copyright 2022 Booklist.

School Library Journal - 06/01/2022 PreS-Gr 2—A quirky and lovely ode to the unconditional love of grandparents and the unexpected delights and challenges of going on a quest. Little Rabbit wants to get his nana a gift, even though it isn't a hare holiday or even her birthday. When Crow tells Rabbit of a perfect gift, Rabbit decides that a quest is in order. Like every good quest, the end result isn't that important, but rather, it is about the interesting encounters along the way and the acquired knowledge. Here, Rabbit meets a stickler, the moon, a whale, and a volcano, all who give him suggestions for a perfect gift. In addition to engaging thoughtfully with the strangers, Rabbit is brave and persistent, even if he does eat part of the gift he finds—a carrot! Rabbit's epiphany comes right at the end when he notices that Nana's house is surrounded by carrots. Smith has a flair for creating phrases that spark a reader's imagination. These may feel cryptic to younger children, but will inspire discussion during read-aloud sessions, and beautifully convey the meandering path of all truly authentic quests. The illustrations are at times moodily atmospheric, and at others, enveloping with comfort. VERDICT Perfect for story hours, for creative writing lessons, and for discussions of intergenerational love.—Sally A. James - Copyright 2022 Publishers Weekly, Library Journal and/or School Library Journal used with permission.

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