Bound To Stay Bound

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 Cytonic (Skyward)
 Author: Sanderson, Brandon

 Publisher:  Delacorte Press (2021)

 Classification: Fiction
 Physical Description: 415 p.,  24 cm

 BTSB No: 776730 ISBN: 9780399555855
 Ages: 12-16 Grades: 7-11

 Science fiction
 Air pilots -- Fiction
 Extraterrestrial beings -- Fiction
 Identity (Psychology) -- Fiction

Price: $24.48

Fighter pilot Spensa Nightshade has been embroiled in an alien empire's war and now, to figure out what she really is, she must leave her world behind to enter the Nowhere, a mysterious realm from which those who enter rarely ever return.

Accelerated Reader Information:
   Interest Level: UG
   Reading Level: 5.10
   Points: 18.0   Quiz: 515711

   Kirkus Reviews (09/15/21)

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