Bound To Stay Bound

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 Beasts of Grimheart (Longburrow)
 Author: Larwood, Kieran

 Publisher:  Clarion (2019)

 Classification: Fiction
 Physical Description: 263 p., ill., 23 cm.

 BTSB No: 544027 ISBN: 9781328696021
 Ages: 10-12 Grades: 5-7

 Rabbits -- Fiction
 Siblings -- Fiction
 Adventure fiction
 Fantasy fiction
Fantasy Fiction
Adventure Fiction

Price: $22.38

The young rabbit Podkin One-Ear and his allies battle to save their land from the evil Gorm tribe.

 Illustrator: Wyatt, David
Accelerated Reader Information:
   Interest Level: MG
   Reading Level: 5.60
   Points: 8.0   Quiz: 503931
Reading Counts Information:
   Interest Level: 3-5
   Reading Level: 5.30
   Points: 13.0   Quiz: 77164

   Kirkus Reviews (05/15/19)
   Booklist (07/01/19)

Full Text Reviews:

Booklist - 07/01/2019 The third Longburrow book opens with a framework story: an enigmatic bard faces an intimidating audience and begins a tale in which the Gorm begin a loud, mechanized destruction of the Forest. Shocked into action against their relentless enemy, Podkin and his rabbit friends find that they have some unlikely allies, from the previously hostile warren led by Podkin’s uncle to wolves, two-legged beasts, and the mysterious bonedancers. The rabbits’ growing treasury of magical objects becomes ever more vital as they plan and carry out their attack to stop the Gorm. The book's appendixes offer an introduction to the growing cast of characters as well as an illustrated, descriptive list of “The Twelve Gifts of the Goddesses.” Since many of these artifacts are still to be found, readers can hope for more quests, battles, and revelations to come. Double-page grayscale illustrations appear at intervals, adding an appealing visual dimension to the story. This well-crafted adventure will thrill fans of the Longburrow series with its well-drawn characters, dramatic pacing, and occasional humor. An accessible tale of heroism. - Copyright 2019 Booklist.

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