Bound To Stay Bound

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Bulletin for the Center... - 06/01/2005 As a ward of Baron Arald, orphan Will has the opportunity to be chosen by one of the Craftmasters the year he turns fifteen. Though he desperately wants to be picked by the head of the Battleschool, Sir Rodney, for training as a knight, he is instead offered the chance to train with the enigmatic Ranger, Halt. In the months following, Will learns the skills of tracking, archery, horseback riding, and stealth from his taciturn but kindly master. Meanwhile, Will's old enemy from the castle, Horace, is training under Sir Rodney and having troubles of his own; a couple of encounters outside the castle provide a resolution to Will and Horace's conflict, just before Will saves his master from two horrible beasts sent by a traitor to assassinate the Ranger. That traitor is Morgarath, former Baron of Gorlan, whose plots to conquer the made-up, medieval, very English Kingdom of Araluen will probably provide the body of the action in the rest of The Ranger's Apprentice series, of which this is the first book. With fast pacing, plenty of action, sympathetic characters and entertaining dialogue that make Will's world a highly enjoyable place to visit, this knightly adventure offers readers enjoyment without condescension. - Copyright 2005 The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois.

Booklist - 06/01/2005 *Starred Review* Like the other 15-year-old wards of Castle Redmont, Will is nervous about Choosing Day, when each of them will be assigned to a different master for training. Though his dearest wish is to enter the Battleschool, his small stature prevents it. Instead, Will is apprenticed to the grim-faced, mysterious Ranger. Soon Will learns that becoming a ranger is more difficult, dangerous, and worthwhile than he had imagined. He earns the respect of his elders and the friendship of a former foe, but all this is prelude to the great adventure that follows, when his skills wielding a knife and keeping a heightened awareness of his surroundings become vital to the survival of his mentor and the safety of the kingdom. The last few years have seen the publication of many fantasies, but few have the appeal of this original story. Rather than creating a host of strange creatures and magical powers, Flanagan concentrates on character, offering readers a young protagonist they will care about and relationships that develop believably over time. Will's world is a colorful place, threatened by an evil warlord and his fierce minions, but it's the details of everyday living and the true-to-life emotions of the people that are memorable. Children will definitely look forward to the next adventure in the Ruins of Gorlan series. - Copyright 2005 Booklist.

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