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Can you survive the 1910 big burn? : an interactive history adventure [You Choose. Disasters In History]by Collins, Ailynn 

Paperback(Capstone Press, 2023)

BTSB #: 231236 Temp OS

Dewey: 970/NAges: 8-12   
Lexile: 620 F&P: W

Subjects: Big Blowup, 1910 Plot-your-own stories Forest fires Survival skills Pacific Northwest - Fiction

Summary: In the northwestern United States, the summer of 1910 was the driest anyone had seen in a long time. The weather was extremely hot and windy. Crops everywhere were drying up. Then in August the region faced one of the biggest forest fires in U.S. history. Will you lead the fight to battle the fires and save your hometown? Can you save others and escape before the town is consumed by flames? Will you flee with your mother to find safety on a train?

6.55 *

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