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Year my life went down the toilet by Arlow, Jake Maia 

BTSB Prebound(Dial Books for Young Readers, 2023)

BTSB #: 068318 Available

Dewey: FAges: 10-14   
Lexile: 770 F&P: Z+

Genres: Humorous Fiction

Subjects: Crohn's disease - Fiction Coming out (Sexual orientation) - Fiction Lesbians - Fiction Friendship - Fiction Middle schools - Fiction School stories

Summary: Twelve-year-old Al, short for Alison, navigates an overprotective mother, growing apart from her best friend, and her first girl crush, all while her recent Crohn's diagnosis puts a knot in her stomach.

22.58 *

You should see me in a crown by Johnson, Leah 

Paperback(Scholastic, 2021)

BTSB #: 497087 Available

Dewey: FAges: 12-18   
AR: 5.9 UG Lexile: 880

Genres: Multicultural

Subjects: High schools - Fiction School stories Proms - Fiction Identity (Psychology) - Fiction Friendship - Fiction African Americans - Fiction Lesbians - Fiction

Summary: Liz Lighty has always believed she's too black, too poor, too awkward to shine in her small, rich, prom-obsessed midwestern town. Liz has a plan that will get her out of Campbell, Indiana, forever. When the financial aid she was counting on unexpectedly falls through, Liz's plans come crashing down.

9.01 *

You should see me in a crown by Johnson, Leah 

BTSB Prebound(Scholastic Press, 2020)

BTSB #: 497096 Available

Dewey: FAges: 12-18   
AR: 5.9 UG

Genres: Multicultural

Subjects: High schools - Fiction School stories Proms - Fiction Identity (Psychology) - Fiction Friendship - Fiction African Americans - Fiction Lesbians - Fiction

Summary: Liz Lighty has always believed she's too black, too poor, too awkward to shine in her small, rich, prom-obsessed midwestern town. Liz has a plan that will get her out of Campbell, Indiana, forever. When the financial aid she was counting on unexpectedly falls through, Liz's plans come crashing down.

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