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Beach bummer [Little Bruce book]by Higgins, Ryan T. 

BTSB Prebound(Disney/Hyperion, 2024)

BTSB #: 443384 Available

Dewey: EAges: 4-7   

Genres: Humorous Fiction Animals

Subjects: Bears - Fiction Mice - Fiction Beaches - Fiction

Summary: Bruce and his family spend a wonderful day at the beach ... almost.

16.79 *

Out cold [Little Bruce book]by Higgins, Ryan T. 

BTSB Prebound(Disney/Hyperion, 2023)

BTSB #: 443385 Available

Dewey: EAges: 4-7   
AR: 1.6 LG

Genres: Humorous Fiction Animals

Subjects: Bears - Fiction Mice - Fiction Winter - Fiction

Summary: The mice want to celebrate winter doing all their favorite outdoor things. But poor Bruce is inside with a cold. Luckily, the mice decide to bring the winter fun indoors.

16.79 *

Spring stinks [Little Bruce book]by Higgins, Ryan T. 

BTSB Prebound(Disney/Hyperion, 2021)

BTSB #: 443461 Available

Dewey: EAges: 4-7   
AR: 1.4 LG

Genres: Humorous Fiction Animals

Subjects: Odors - Fiction Spring - Fiction Bears - Fiction Rabbits - Fiction Humorous fiction

Summary: When cheerful Ruth the rabbit tries to share with grumpy Bruce the bear the wonderful smells of spring, they discover that spring stinks.

16.29 *

Thanks for nothing! [Little Bruce book]by Higgins, Ryan T. 

BTSB Prebound()

BTSB #: 443466 Available

Dewey: EAges: 4-7   
AR: 1.3 LG Lexile: 350 AD

Genres: Humorous Fiction Animals

Subjects: Gratitude - Fiction Bears - Fiction Mice - Fiction Humorous fiction

Summary: It is autumn in Soggy Hollow and the mice have a lot to be thankful for, but Bruce the bear is not so thankful for all the thanking.

16.29 *

* Your Discounted Price

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