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Can you survive the 1865 Sultana disaster? : an interactive history adventure [You Choose. Disasters In History]by Braun, Eric 

Paperback(Capstone Press, 2023)

BTSB #: 147288 Temp OS

Dewey: 976.8/NAges: 8-12   
Lexile: 620 F&P: V

Subjects: Sultana (Steamboat) Steamboat disasters - Mississippi River Plot-your-own stories Mississippi River United States - History|y1861-1865, Civil War - Peace

Summary: The date is April 27, 1865. You are crammed onboard the steamboat Sultana with more than 2,000 passengers. Many of them are soldiers heading home after the Civil War. You're cruising on the Mississippi River when a massive explosion rips through the ship. Do you dive into the water to save yourself or stay onboard to help the survivors? Will you try to swim for shore or wait for help to arrive?

6.55 *

Can you survive the 1910 big burn? : an interactive history adventure [You Choose. Disasters In History]by Collins, Ailynn 

Paperback(Capstone Press, 2023)

BTSB #: 231236 Temp OS

Dewey: 970/NAges: 8-12   
Lexile: 620 F&P: W

Subjects: Big Blowup, 1910 Plot-your-own stories Forest fires Survival skills Pacific Northwest - Fiction

Summary: In the northwestern United States, the summer of 1910 was the driest anyone had seen in a long time. The weather was extremely hot and windy. Crops everywhere were drying up. Then in August the region faced one of the biggest forest fires in U.S. history. Will you lead the fight to battle the fires and save your hometown? Can you save others and escape before the town is consumed by flames? Will you flee with your mother to find safety on a train?

6.55 *

Can you survive the 1918 flu pandemic? : an interactive history adventure [You Choose. Disasters In History]by Manning, Matthew K. 

Paperback(Capstone Press, 2023)

BTSB #: 601501 Available

Dewey: 614.5/NAges: 8-12   

Subjects: Influenza Epidemic, 1918-1919 Influenza - History|y20th century

Summary: The year is 1918. World War I is nearing its end. But the world is just beginning to suffer from a deadly pandemic. Within months, the deadly flu virus has spread around the world, infecting and killing tens of millions of people. As you return from the war, will you go to see your family and friends or quarantine to keep your loved ones safe? Will you shut down your small store to avoid spreading the virus? Will you quit your job as a teacher in order to stay safe, or continue going to school? With dozens of possible choices, it's up to YOU to choose how to survive through one of the worst pandemics in history.

6.55 *

Can you survive the 1925 tri-state tornado? : an interactive history adventure [You Choose. Disasters In History]by Manning, Matthew K. 

Paperback(Capstone Press, 2023)

BTSB #: 601503 Available

Dewey: 977/NAges: 8-12   
Lexile: 620 F&P: V

Subjects: Tornadoes - Missouri - History|y20th century Tornadoes - Illinois - History|y20th century Tornadoes - Indiana - History|y20th century Plot-your-own stories

Summary: On March 18, 1925, the deadliest tornado in history tore a path of destruction more than 200 miles long across Missouri, Illinois, and Indiana. The giant tornado demolished several towns and killed hundreds of people. Will you take shelter in your basement or try to outrun the tornado in your new Model T car? Do you stay inside your school or risk running to your church to take shelter there?

6.55 *

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