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Total Price: $51.29 *
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Eva Evergreen and the cursed witch [Eva Evergreen Volume: 2]by Abe, Julie 

BTSB Prebound(Little, Brown, 2021)

BTSB #: 040209 Available

Dewey: FAges: 8-12   
AR: 5.8 MG F&P: X

Genres: Fantasy Fiction Adventure Fiction

Subjects: Witches - Fiction Magic - Fiction Adventure fiction Fantasy fiction

Summary: Young witch Eva Evergreen embarks on a journey to find the source of the powerful, magical storm known as the Culling and put an end to it once and for all.

21.88 *

Eva Evergreen and the cursed witch [Eva Evergreen Volume: 2]by Abe, Julie 

Paperback(Little, Brown, 2022)

BTSB #: 040227 Available

Dewey: FAges: 8-12   
AR: 5.8 MG F&P: X

Genres: Fantasy Fiction Adventure Fiction

Subjects: Witches - Fiction Magic - Fiction Adventure fiction Fantasy fiction

Summary: Young witch Eva Evergreen embarks on a journey to find the source of the powerful, magical storm known as the Culling and put an end to it once and for all.

7.37 *

Eva Evergreen, semi-magical witch [Eva Evergreen Volume: 1]by Abe, Julie 

BTSB Prebound(Little, Brown, 2021)

BTSB #: 040207 Temp OS

Dewey: FAges: 8-12   
AR: 5.4 MG Lexile: 760 F&P: X

Genres: Fantasy Fiction Adventure Fiction

Subjects: Witches - Fiction Apprentices - Fiction Magic - Fiction Adventure fiction Fantasy fiction

Summary: Eva must travel to a seaside town to complete her training and earn the rank of Novice Witch before her thirteenth birthday, or be banned from using magic forever.

15.49 *

Eva Evergreen, semi-magical witch [Eva Evergreen Volume: 1]by Abe, Julie 

Paperback(Little, Brown, 2021)

BTSB #: 040214 Available

Dewey: FAges: 8-12   
AR: 5.4 MG Lexile: 760 F&P: X

Subjects: Witches - Fiction Apprentices - Fiction Magic - Fiction Adventure fiction Fantasy fiction

Summary: Eva must travel to a seaside town to complete her training and earn the rank of Novice Witch before her thirteenth birthday, or be banned from using magic forever.

6.55 *

* Your Discounted Price

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