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Total Price: $97.74 *
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Midnight Star [Young Elites novel Volume: 3]by Lu, Marie 

Paperback New title.(Random House )

BTSB #: 589626 Temp OS

Dewey: FAges: 14-18   

Summary: Adelina Amouteru is done suffering. She’s turned her back on those who have betrayed her and achieved the ultimate revenge: victory. Her reign as the White Wolf has been a triumphant one, but with each conquest her cruelty only grows. The darkness within her has begun to spiral out of control, threatening to destroy all she's gained.

9.83 *

Midnight Star [Young Elites novel Volume: 3]by Lu, Marie 

Publisher Edition - Large Print Hardcover(Thorndike Press)

BTSB #: 589629 Available

Dewey: FAges: 14-18   

Summary: Adelina Amouteru is done suffering. She’s turned her back on those who have betrayed her and achieved the ultimate revenge: victory. Her reign as the White Wolf has been a triumphant one, but with each conquest her cruelty only grows. The darkness within her has begun to spiral out of control, threatening to destroy all she's gained. Large print hardcover format.

25.10 *

Midnight star [Young Elites novel Volume: 3]by Lu, Marie 

BTSB Prebound(Putnam, 2016)

BTSB #: 589649 Available

Dewey: FAges: 14-18   
AR: 5.6 UG RC: 6.3 9-12 Lexile: 800

Genres: Supernatural

Subjects: Dystopian fiction

Summary: [Young Elites novel 3] Adelina Amouteru is done suffering. She's turned her back on those who have betrayed her and achieved the ultimate revenge: victory. Her reign as the White Wolf has been a triumphant one, but with each conquest her cruelty only grows. The darkness within her has begun to spiral out of control, threatening to destroy all she's gained.

6.50 *

Rose Society [Young Elites novel Volume: 2]by Lu, Marie 

Publisher Edition - Large Print Hardcover New title.(Thorndike Press)

BTSB #: 589697 Temp OS

Dewey: FAges: 14-18   

Summary: Adelina Amouteru’s heart has suffered at the hands of both family and friends, turning her down the bitter path of revenge. Now known and feared as the White Wolf, she and her sister flee Kenettra to find other Young Elites in the hopes of building her own army of allies. But Adelina is no heroine. Her powers, fed only by fear and hate, have started to grow beyond her control. She does not trust her newfound Elite friends. Large print hardcover format.

23.24 *

Young Elites [Young Elites novel Volume: 1]by Lu, Marie 

Paperback New title.(Random House )

BTSB #: 589625 Temp OS

Dewey: FAges: 12-16   

Summary: Adelina Amouteru survived the blood fever, a deadly illness that killed many, but left others with strange markings and supernatural powers. Cast out by her family, Adelina joins the secret society of the Young Elites and discovers her own dangerous abilities.

9.83 *

Young Elites [Young Elites novel Volume: 1]by Lu, Marie 

Publisher Edition - Large Print Hardcover New title.(Thorndike Press)

BTSB #: 589693 Temp OS

Dewey: FAges: 14-18   

Summary: Adelina Amouteru survived the blood fever, a deadly illness that killed many, but left others with strange markings and supernatural powers. Cast out by her family, Adelina joins the secret society of the Young Elites and discovers her own dangerous abilities. Large print hardcover format.

23.24 *

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