NEW from BTSB - Video Preview Playlists
Creating Playlists of Audio and Video Clips from the BTSB Bookstore
Playlists available for new book lists:
- Create a new booklist by clicking on the NEW tab in the My Book Lists area of the MY BOOKSTORE tab in the blue menu bar
- Give your new book list a name and click SAVE
- Save titles to your new book list by clicking the SEARCH tab in the blue menu bar
- Add searched titles to your book list then click the VIEW BOOKLIST tab located to the upper left hand of the search results page
- From the VIEW BOOKLIST page click the film reel icon located in the upper right-hand corner
Playlists available for previously created book lists:
- Choose any of the previously created book lists from the My Book Lists area of the MY BOOKSTORE tab in the blue menu bar by clicking the open text box next to the name of the underlined book list you wish to view
- Click the VIEW button located to the bottom left hand of the My Book Lists area
- From the VIEW BOOKLIST page click the film reel icon located in the upper right-hand corner
Helpful Hints:
- After clicking the film reel icon the audio/video preview will automatically start streaming
- You may pause or stop the preview at any time by clicking the pause button
- Previews will continue to stream one after another through your entire book list
- To view the video preview in full screen mode, hover your mouse over the bottom portion of the video. You will see a full screen button to the far right. To exit full screen mode simply hit your escape key on your keyboard
- Use the Playlist Feature to get your students excited about new books you have received from Bound To Stay Bound