Bound To Stay Bound

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 Potions & parameters (Secret coders)
 Author: Yang, Gene Luen

 Publisher:  First Second (2018)

 Dewey: 741.5
 Classification: Nonfiction
 Physical Description: 106 p., col. ill., 22 cm

 BTSB No: 971370 ISBN: 9781626726086
 Ages: 9-14 Grades: 4-9

 Adventure fiction
 Coding theory -- Fiction
 Computer programming -- Fiction
 School stories
 Graphic novels

Price: $18.18

Volume 5--Professor One-Zero won't stop until the whole town embraces the "true happiness" found in his poisonous potion, Green Pop. And now that he has the Turtle of Light, he's virtually unstoppable.

 Illustrator: Holmes, Mike
Accelerated Reader Information:
   Interest Level: MG
   Reading Level: 3.50
   Points: 1.0   Quiz: 197992
Reading Counts Information:
   Interest Level: 3-5
   Reading Level: 3.50
   Points: 4.0   Quiz: 77548

   Kirkus Reviews (02/15/18)

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