Bound To Stay Bound

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 Oliver's lollipop
 Author: Wortche, Allison

 Publisher:  Philomel Books (2021)

 Classification: Easy
 Physical Description: [32] p., col. ill., 26 cm

 BTSB No: 966361 ISBN: 9780593203002
 Ages: 4-7 Grades: K-2

 Lollipops -- Fiction
 Zoo animals -- Fiction
 Disappointment -- Fiction
 Contentment -- Fiction
 Family life -- Fiction

Price: $23.08

Oliver finds the perfect lollipop on his birthday trip to the zoo, and it's all he can think about! But when one peculiar zoo animal threatens to ruin the fun, Oliver learns that there's plenty more to see than the candy he's been coveting.

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   Kirkus Reviews (04/15/21)
 The Bulletin of the Center for Children's Books (00/04/21)

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