Bound To Stay Bound

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 Heat of the lava dragon (Dragon Masters)
 Author: West, Tracey

 Publisher:  Branches (2021)

 Classification: Fiction
 Physical Description: 89 p., ill., 20 cm

 BTSB No: 935976 ISBN: 9781338635461
 Ages: 6-9 Grades: 1-4

 Dragons -- Fiction
 Magic -- Fiction
 Wizards -- Fiction
 Rescues -- Fiction
 Adventure fiction

Price: $15.67

Drake's friends Mina and Caspar, their dragons, and Worm were trapped in stone by the evil wizard Astrid who has stolen their dragons' powers, but Drake himself was saved from a similar fate by Astrid's sister Hulda; now because of his strong connection with Worm, Drake is able to help his dragon to break free, but to free the others they need the assistance of three other dragons--a lava dragon, a sea dragon, and a wind dragon--and they have to do it before Astrid can steal the powers of even more dragons.

 Illustrator: Howells, Graham

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Accelerated Reader Information:
   Interest Level: LG
   Reading Level: 3.60
   Points: 1.0   Quiz: 510576

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