Bound To Stay Bound

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Booklist - 04/15/2021 The creators of When We Were Alone (2017) team up here to highlight a traditional Indigenous experience. A young boy and his moshom (grandfather) travel far to the north (by plane, by truck, by motorboat, and on foot) to reach the site of Moshom’s trapline. The older man describes how he and his family slept together in a tent in the years when they trapped animals, gathered berries, and fished in order to sustain themselves. The muskrats trapped, for example, provided food, while their pelts were sold to purchase supplies that couldn’t be gleaned from the land. This succinct narrative emphasizes both the natural beauty of the wilderness and the satisfaction experienced from this lifestyle. Robertson also underscores traditional Indigenous values, including sharing with those in need and learning from the land. Flett’s digitally enhanced pastel-on-paper illustrations employ a palette of greens, blues, and browns, often accented in red. Her use of simple shapes, textured patterns, and subtle shadings allows the landscapes and characters to shine. Appended with creator notes and a glossary of Cree words. - Copyright 2021 Booklist.

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