Bound To Stay Bound

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 Facts vs. opinions vs. robots
 Author: Rex, Michael

 Publisher:  Nancy Paulsen (2019)

 Dewey: 121
 Classification: Nonfiction
 Physical Description: [32] p., col. ill., 28 cm

 BTSB No: 747749 ISBN: 9781984816269
 Ages: 5-8 Grades: K-3

 Perspective (Linguistics)
 Wit and humor
 Robots -- Fiction

Price: $23.78

A hilarious, timely conversation about the differences between facts and opinions among a group of robots.

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Accelerated Reader Information:
   Interest Level: LG
   Reading Level: 2.60
   Points: .5   Quiz: 509590

   Kirkus Reviews (+) (11/15/19)
   Booklist (12/01/19)

Full Text Reviews:

Booklist - 12/01/2019 What a good idea! Show little ones how to tell facts from opinions—and do it with robots! The digital artwork features jaunty, colorful robots who bring up various topics and ask if they are fact or opinion. The colors of robots? That's a fact. A fact is anything that can be proven either true or false. Which robot is more fun? That's an opinion. There are even questions, readers are shown, that can't be answered because more information is needed. The engaging robots, the simple text, the clean, crisp pages, and, of course, the question-and-answer format that gives young ones the chance to think and decide for themselves. Only one question is debatable: Is having a favorite [ice cream] flavor a fact or an opinion? The book deems it an opinion, which in one sense it is. But a favorite is a favorite, and that's a fact. Parents, teachers, and librarians will find lots of uses for this, and even those working with somewhat older children can use it as a discussion starter. - Copyright 2019 Booklist.

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