Bound To Stay Bound

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 House Of Elephants
 Author: Ortega, Claribel A.

 Publisher: Scholastic Press (-1)

 Classification: Fiction
 Physical Description: 

 BTSB No: 692050 ISBN: 9781338853841
 Ages: 8-12 Grades: 3-7

Price: $22.58

It's been months since the end of the Golden Frog Games, and a cure for the hex that turned young witches to stone still hasn't been found. Seven and Thorn want to find a way to heal their friends. When the Black Moon Ceremony arrives earlier than expected, they take it as a chance to welcome any new Spares into their coven. The new Spares are met with anger from the Hill Society. They create more unfair laws that ban Spares from using magic and being equals in Twelve Towns society!

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