Bound To Stay Bound

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 World's grossest plants (World's Grossest)
 Author: Nickel, Scott

 Publisher:  Lerner (2022)

 Dewey: 581
 Classification: Nonfiction
 Physical Description: 24 p., col. ill., 23 cm

 BTSB No: 676348 ISBN: 9781728404011
 Ages: 6-8 Grades: 1-3

 Plants -- Miscellanea
 Flowers -- Miscellanea
 Poisonous plants

Price: $25.88

Readers discover a jungle of repulsive plants in this gross guide! Learn about a flower that smells like rotting meat, a plant that swallows bugs, and much more.

   School Library Journal (04/01/22)

Full Text Reviews:

School Library Journal - 04/01/2022 Gr 3–5—Full of entertaining (and stomach-turning) tidbits, this hi-lo series is written at a first grade reading level. From the animal world to history to jobs, these titles present purposefully disgusting fun facts on different topics. The text is designed with readability in mind; this includes a controlled vocabulary and one-to-two short sentences per page. Photographs that align with the content on the page serve as visual cues for striving readers, as well as increasing the enjoyable gross-out factor. Interactive elements include a "Which is Grosser?" prompt and a "Disgusting Diagram" in each book. Books and websites for further reading are provided at the end. VERDICT While not brimming with informational content, these titles lean into the fun elements of their icky subject matter and will engage readers seeking hi-lo content. - Copyright 2022 Publishers Weekly, Library Journal and/or School Library Journal used with permission.

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