Bound To Stay Bound

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 It's like this, Cat
 Author: Neville, Emily Cheney

 Publisher:  Harper (2019)

 Classification: Fiction
 Physical Description: 172 p.,  20 cm.

 BTSB No: 672671 ISBN: 9780060243906
 Ages: 10-14 Grades: 5-9

 Cats -- Fiction

Price: $16.39

A story of a fourteen-year-old boy, his comradeship with a troubled nineteen-year-old boy, his first shy friendship with a girl, and his understanding of his father.

Accelerated Reader Information:
   Interest Level: MG
   Reading Level: 4.70
   Points: 5.0   Quiz: 46
Reading Counts Information:
   Interest Level: 6-8
   Reading Level: 6.10
   Points: 7.0   Quiz: 05962

 Newbery Medal, 1964

Common Core Standards 
   Grade 4 → Reading → RL Literature → 4.RL Key Ideas & Details
   Grade 4 → Reading → RL Literature → 4.RL Range of Reading & Level of Text Complexity
   Grade 4 → Reading → RL Literature → 4.RL Craft & Structure
   Grade 4 → Reading → RL Literature → 4.RL Integration & Knowledge of Ideas
   Grade 4 → Reading → RL Literature → Texts Illustrating the Complexity, Quality, & Rang
   Grade 5 → Reading → RL Literature → 5.RL Key Ideas & Details
   Grade 5 → Reading → RL Literature → 5.RL Integration & Knowledge of Ideas
   Grade 5 → Reading → RL Literature → Texts Illustrating the Complexity, Quality, & Rang
   Grade 6 → Reading → RL Literature → 6.RL Range of Reading & Level of Text Complexity
   Grade 6 → Reading → CCR College & Career Readiness Anchor Standards fo
   Grade 7 → Reading → RL Literature → 7.RL Key Ideas & Details
   Grade 7 → Reading → RL Literature → 7.RL Range of Reading & LEvel of Text Complexity
   Grade 7 → Reading → RL Literature → 7.RL Craft & Structure
   Grade 8 → Reading → RL Literature → 8.RL Key Ideas & Details
   Grade 7 → Reading → CCR College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards for Reading
   Grade 8 → Reading → RL Literature → 8.RL Craft & Structure

   Kirkus Reviews
 The Hornbook

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