Jitterbug Author: Luftner, Kai | ||
Price: $24.46 |
Ladybugs are usually sweet, quiet, and fly so gently. Not so for Lady B. Marie! Her heart beats for rock 'n' roll. Instead of going flower to flower, she strums her electric guitar and belts out melodies.
Illustrator: | Rauers, Wiebke |
Kirkus Reviews (-) (01/01/23)
Booklist (03/15/23)
Full Text Reviews:
Booklist - 03/15/2023 Most ladybugs are quiet and polite, but not “Jitterbug” Lady B. Marie! She’s a hot-pink punk-rock beetle full of thrashing, headbanging, and searing guitar solos. While Ms. Snail, Mr. Grasshopper, and other insects don’t necessarily appreciate her wailing, the arrival of a new hard-core bug band validates her by taking her under their literal and metaphorical wings, and soon what was snubbed as hubbub is deemed a hit. Translated adeptly from the original German, the rhyming couplets roll forth like song lyrics, which is unsurprising given that the author runs a children’s music project in his spare time. The artwork, with its dramatic and stunning angles, is done in multimedia collage as boldly colored as the hair of an ’80s punk band. And while the sophisticated language and its sheer volume (no pun intended) skew the audience a bit older than perhaps planned, the book remains a sweet and simple message about self-acceptance, individuality, and letting your voice be heard. - Copyright 2023 Booklist.