Bound To Stay Bound

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 Author: Lloyd, Megan Wagner

 Publisher:  Scholastic (2023)

 Dewey: 741.5
 Classification: Nonfiction
 Physical Description: 243 p., col. ill., 21 cm

 BTSB No: 581241 ISBN: 9781338568943
 Ages: 8-12 Grades: 3-7

 Graphic novels
 Family life -- Fiction
 Friendship -- Fiction

Price: $10.65

Eleven-year-old Avery Lee loves living in Hickory Valley, Maryland. But she's tired of feeling squished by her six siblings! Avery hatches a plan to finally get her own room, all while trying to get baby brother Max to sleep at night, navigating changes in her friendships, and working on an art entry for the fair. And when Avery finds out that her family might move across the country, things get even more complicated. In graphic novel format.

 Illustrator: Nutter, Michelle Mee
Accelerated Reader Information:
   Interest Level: MG
   Reading Level: 2.50
   Points: 1.0   Quiz: 518925

   Kirkus Reviews (+) (02/01/23)
   School Library Journal (+) (03/03/23)
   Booklist (+) (12/01/23)
 The Hornbook (00/05/23)

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