Bound To Stay Bound

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 Glass : a Cinderella tale
 Author: Lasky, Kathryn

 Publisher:  Harper (2024)

 Classification: Fiction
 Physical Description: 212 p.,  22 cm

 BTSB No: 544255 ISBN: 9780063294028
 Ages: 8-12 Grades: 3-7

 Fairy tales
 Ability -- Fiction
 Families -- Fiction

Price: $24.48

A riveting upper middle grade fairy tale from the perspective of the fairy godmother in Cinderella. Set in a stunning glass house surrounded by crystalized flower gardens and alluring forests, Bess is a young woman growing into her powers and learning to overcome evil.

Accelerated Reader Information:
   Interest Level: MG
   Reading Level: 4.90
   Points: 6.0   Quiz: 550265

   Kirkus Reviews (06/15/24)
   Booklist (05/15/24)

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