Bound To Stay Bound

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 All tide up (InvestiGators)
 Author: Green, John Patrick

 Publisher:  First Second (2023)

 Dewey: 741.5
 Classification: Nonfiction
 Physical Description: 200 p., col. ill., 22 cm

 BTSB No: 395550 ISBN: 9781250849892
 Ages: 7-10 Grades: 2-5

 Alligators -- Fiction
 Spies -- Fiction
 Ocean liners -- Fiction
 Humorous fiction
 Graphic novels

Price: $19.58

When a cruise captain is found drifting at sea and delirious, the search begins for his missing ship and passengers! Did it sink? Was it boat-napped? Are supernatural forces at play? And can the InvestiGators unravel this maritime mystery before a second cruise befalls a similarly unfathomable fate? Seas the day and find out in this new nautical adventure! In graphic novel format.

 Illustrator: Dzioba, Wes
Accelerated Reader Information:
   Interest Level: MG
   Reading Level: 3.40
   Points: 1.0   Quiz: 521338

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