Bound To Stay Bound

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 J.D. En La Expo De Estilistas (J.D. And The Hair Showdown) (J.D. El Nino Barbero)
 Author: Dillard, J.

 Publisher: Kokila (-1)

 Classification: Fiction
 Physical Description: 

 BTSB No: 279254 ISBN: 9780593617489
 Ages: 7-10 Grades: 2-5

Price: $15.44

At only eight years old, kid barber J.D. already has an impressive resume. He beat his nemesis in the Great Barber Battle of Meridian, Mississippi, and the online hair tutorials he made with his sister landed him on local TV. Now J.D. steps onto a larger stage in Atlanta as the youngest competitor at a national hair showcase, but being away from Meridian has J.D. wondering--is victory as sweet without your hometown crew? In Spanish. (Postponed from Fall 2023)

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