Best bed for me Author: Cornwall, Gaia | ||
Price: $23.08 |
After mimicking all the ways different animals rest, "Sweet Pea" concedes that a comfy bed, a soft pillow, and a good-night wish offer the best way to fall asleep after all.
Kirkus Reviews (02/01/22)
Booklist (05/01/22)
The Bulletin of the Center for Children's Books (00/05/22)
Full Text Reviews:
Booklist - 05/01/2022 It’s bedtime, but a pair of patient mothers is having trouble getting their child to calm their body and nestle down to sleep. The child, restless, suggests sleeping in a tree like a koala or upside down like a bat or snuggled with piglets in the mud. Eventually, however, they realize that the best bed for them is their big-kid bed. It’s a simple tale, dotted with animal facts—whales keep swimming while they sleep, puffins sleep in underground burrows, otters sleep holding hands—but the real thread of the story is the tender, loving dance of coaxing a child to sleep. Cornwall (Jabari Jumps, 2017) puts the child in fire engine–red pajamas that energetically pop against the muted, nighttime hues of pea green, gentle mauve, and denim blue on the mothers, the seafoam bedroom walls, and sky-blue bed. Same-sex couples and mixed-race families will appreciate seeing themselves represented, and the child (and the bountiful terms of endearment used for them) is kept deliberately ungendered. A sweet tale for sweet dreams. - Copyright 2022 Booklist.