Bound To Stay Bound

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 Her eyes on the stars : Maria Mitchell, astronomer
 Author: Wallmark, Laurie

 Publisher:  Creston Books (2023)

 Dewey: 520.92
 Classification: Biography
 Physical Description: [32] p., col. ill., 28 cm

 BTSB No: 917461 ISBN: 9781954354135
 Ages: 7-9 Grades: 2-4

 Mitchell, Maria, -- 1818-1889
 Women astronomers -- Biography
 Astronomers -- Massachusetts -- Biography

Price: $20.98

In the mid 19th century, Maria Mitchell was not only among the first women to discover a comet, she was the first American to do so. Maria became a professional astronomer, a first for an American woman. She went on to teach a generation of young women at Vassar College how to set their sights high.

 Illustrator: Wong, Liz

   Kirkus Reviews (03/01/23)
   School Library Journal (03/17/23)
   Booklist (02/15/23)

Full Text Reviews:

Booklist - 02/15/2023 As a child, Maria Mitchell accompanied her father to their home’s rooftop observatory, where they could view the night sky through a telescope. Born in 1818, she became fascinated by solar eclipses and adept at using and repairing the tools necessary for making astronomical measurements. Once, when her father was away, a whaling ship’s captain relied on 13-year-old Maria to repair his marine chronometer, a vital tool for navigation, and she succeeded. In 1847, Mitchell became the first American ever to discover a comet. Two years later, she was employed as an astronomer. Later, she taught astronomy at Vassar College and encouraged many of her students to pursue careers in the field. Wallmark’s earlier picture books on women’s contributions to STEM fields include Ada Byron Lovelace and the Thinking Machine (2015) and Hedy Lamarr's Double Life (2019). Wong’s appealing illustrations are orderly in composition and subtle in their use of color. An interesting addition to the current book’s back matter is a brief section listing Mitchell’s “Rules of Astronomical Observations.” A pleasing, informative introduction to Maria Mitchell. - Copyright 2023 Booklist.

School Library Journal - 03/17/2023 K-Gr 3—Captivated by the movements of the planets, comets, and stars from an early age, young Maria Mitchell would spend her nights atop the roof with her father learning how to use sky charts and the astronomical tools of the time. After viewing a partial eclipse, Mitchell's childhood stargazing blossomed into her life's passion. At 18, Mitchell became a librarian, one of the few professions available to women, and spent years teaching herself the complex mechanics of the sky's movements. With this hard-fought expertise, she became the first American to discover a comet in 1847; this led to her becoming the first female professional astronomer and later, the first female professor of astronomy in the world. Wallmark charts this ascent with a colorful narrative that would certainly complement classroom curricula focused on STEM discoveries and trailblazing women in science. Wong's illustrations are rich with 19th-century details although the characters are not as expressive as the narrative warrants, appearing stiff and doll-like. VERDICT Regardless of the illustrations, this is a good addition to the field of STEM biographies.—Sarah Simpson - Copyright 2023 Publishers Weekly, Library Journal and/or School Library Journal used with permission.

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