Bound To Stay Bound

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 Save the ... rhinoceroses (SaveThe...)
 Author: Thomson, Sarah L.

 Publisher:  Philomel (2023)

 Dewey: 599.66
 Classification: Nonfiction
 Physical Description: 77 p., ill., 20 cm

 BTSB No: 880491 ISBN: 9780593622667
 Ages: 7-10 Grades: 2-5

 Endangered species

Price: $15.44

Learn all the facts you need to know to become a rhinoceros expert! Where are the rhinos found? What's it like to be a rhino? Why are rhinos endangered, and who has been working hard to save them?

   Booklist (05/15/23)

Full Text Reviews:

Booklist - 05/15/2023 Each new addition to the Save the . . . series (2 new titles) introduces an animal and discusses why it needs help. Similar in size to middle-grade chapter books, these volumes feature wide-spaced lines of text, plenty of white space, and balanced accounts of their topics. Black-and-white photos illustrate the main section of each book. Giving context to the series’ purpose, one chapter of the four in each volume introduces The International Union for the Conservation of Nature and the seven levels of its Red List of Endangered Species, as applied to the animal species discussed. In Rhinoceroses, Thomson discusses threats to African and Asian species from poachers targeting their horns and from natural disasters. She notes that a single hurricane or tidal wave could quickly wipe out critically endangered Javan and Sumatran species, as each includes fewer than 100 rhinos. The efforts of local conservationists and worldwide supporters are discussed, and, in the back matter, readers are encouraged to help and given specific ways of doing so. An informative book for readers who are concerned about endangered animals. - Copyright 2023 Booklist.

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