Bound To Stay Bound

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 One fish, two fish : red fish, blue fish
 Author: Seuss

 Publisher:  Random (1960)

 Classification: Easy
 Physical Description: 62 p., col. ill., 23 cm.

 BTSB No: 802726 ISBN: 9780394800134
 Ages: 4-8 Grades: K-3

 Stories in rhyme
 Fantasy fiction

Price: $17.29

A story-poem about the activities of such unusual animals as the Nook, Wump, Yink, Yop, Gack, and the Zeds.

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Accelerated Reader Information:
   Interest Level: LG
   Reading Level: 1.70
   Points: .5   Quiz: 9042
Reading Counts Information:
   Interest Level: K-2
   Reading Level: 1.10
   Points: 2.0   Quiz: 08659

Common Core Standards 
   Grade K → Reading → RL Literature → K.RL Key Ideas & Details
   Grade K → Reading → RL Literature → K.RL Craft & Structure
   Grade K → Reading → RL Literature → K.RL Integration of Knowledge & Ideas
   Grade K → Reading → RL Literature → Texts Illustrating Complexity, Quality, & Range
   Grade 1 → Reading → RL Reading Literature → Texts Illustrating the Complexity, Quality, & Rang
   Grade 1 → Reading → RL Reading Literature → 1.RL Key Ideas & Details
   Grade 1 → Reading → RL Reading Literature → 1.RL Range of Reading & Level of Text Complexity
   K.RF Print Concepts
   Grade K → Reading → RF Foundational Skills → K.RF Fluency
   Grade 2 → Reading → RL Reading Literature → 2.RL Key Ideas & Details
   Grade 2 → Reading → RL Reading Literature → 2.RL Craft & Structure
   Grade 2 → Reading → RL Reading Literature → 2.RL Range of Reading & Level of Text Complexity
   Grade 2 → Reading → CCR College & Career Readiness Anchor Standards fo
   Grade 2 → Reading → RF Foundational Skills → 2.RF Fluency

   Kirkus Reviews

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