Shipwrecked! : diving for hidden time capsules on the ocean floor Author: Sandler, Martin W. | ||
Price: $27.98 |
An adventure-filled nonfiction book for young readers about the most captivating shipwrecks from history. Combining new research, stunning archival material, and vivid storytelling, Shipwrecked! dives deep into the world of marine archaeology and shows young readers what each discovery reveals about the world before our time.
Accelerated Reader Information: Interest Level: MG Reading Level: 8.90 Points: 5.0 Quiz: 522895 |
Robert F. Sibert Informational Book Honor, 2024
Kirkus Reviews (09/15/23)
School Library Journal (+) (00/10/23)
Booklist (08/01/23)
The Hornbook (+) (00/11/23)
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