Bound To Stay Bound

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 When We Gather (Ostadahlisiha): A Cherokee Tribal Feast
 Author: Rogers, Andrea L.

 Publisher: Heartdrum (2024)

 Classification: Easy
 Physical Description: 

 BTSB No: 762234 ISBN: 9780063076792
 Ages: 4-8 Grades: K-3

Price: $23.98

One Cherokee child celebrates the family tradition of gathering wild onions for a big community meal, a significant tradition among several southeastern tribes.

   Kirkus Reviews (04/15/24)
   School Library Journal (00/05/24)
   Booklist (02/15/24)

Full Text Reviews:

School Library Journal - 05/01/2024 PreS-Gr 1—The days grow longer, the sun warmer, and a Cherokee girl joins her community for their traditional green onion gathering and feast. The story explores the spring traditions of the Cherokee people. Written in simple sensory lyricism, the text will appeal to story-time aged children. Included is an author's note to help readers understand the roots of the story and tradition. A list of recipes traditional to the spring feast allow readers to explore Cherokee culture in their own kitchen. A helpful language glossary highlights the Cherokee language used in the story. The illustrations are colorful and would stand out during story time. Matching the sensory aspect of the text, scenes of gathering and cooking add a dynamic element to each page. VERDICT An excellent choice for a preschool story time collection.—Meaghan Nichols - Copyright 2024 Publishers Weekly, Library Journal and/or School Library Journal used with permission.

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