Were I not a girl : the inspiring and true story of Dr. James Barry Author: Robinson, Lisa | ||
Price: $6.50 |
A picture book biography that tells the story of Dr. James Barry, born female, who lived as a man from age 18 to his death.
Illustrator: | Berke, Lauren Simkin |
Kirkus Reviews (09/01/20)
School Library Journal (10/01/20)
Booklist (09/01/20)
The Hornbook (00/01/21)
Full Text Reviews:
School Library Journal - 10/01/2020 K-Gr 4—This accessible picture book biography spotlights a lesser-known part of LGBTQ+ history. Dr. James Barry, a white transgender man, accomplished great feats. He was Inspector General of Hospitals for the British Army, performed the first documented Cesarean section in which both the mother and baby survived, and advocated for better health-care conditions for disadvantaged patients. Robinson, who is also a therapist, presents the facts in a conversational tone. Readers are addressed directly; the text alerts them to the gaps in what is known about Barry's life. The process of Barry's transitioning is written in a straightforward manner, switching from "she" to "he" pronouns. The majority of the narrative focuses on his remarkable achievements as a surgeon. Berke's pencil and watercolor illustrations feel appropriately historic, with expertly sketched British architecture and ornately framed portraits of Barry. The artwork uses a style reminiscent of Barbara McClintock's picture book biographies. Barry is portrayed as red-haired and fashionable. Back matter expands on the details of Barry's personal and professional life and includes notes about transitioning and people who identify as transgender (though this word is not used within the narrative). VERDICT Recommended for biography collections, especially those looking to include more books that cover LGBTQ+ history.—Clara Hendricks, Cambridge P.L., MA - Copyright 2020 Publishers Weekly, Library Journal and/or School Library Journal used with permission.