Bound To Stay Bound

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School Library Journal - 12/01/2015 K-Gr 3—Sydney meets Greenie the sea turtle during a field trip to the aquarium. Greenie has been harmed by plastic waste that has made its way into the ocean. Sydney returns home and begins to track her family's trash production. From there, she finds out, with the help of custodian Mr. Clutterbuck, that her school produces an enormous amount of waste. Her campaign inspires an original song as well as a series of major changes in waste management and recycling at the school. In the end, Greenie is ready to be returned to the ocean and Sydney and Simon pledge to help everyone "Go Green!" The highly approachable text is beautifully complemented by Reynolds's artwork. VERDICT A well-constructed introduction to the dangers facing the environment from human carelessness.—Wayne R. Cherry, Jr., First Baptist Academy Library, Houston, TX - Copyright 2015 Publishers Weekly, Library Journal and/or School Library Journal used with permission.

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