Bound To Stay Bound

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 Jaden Powers And The Inheritance Magic
 Author: Perry, Jamar J.

 Publisher: Bloomsbury USA (-1)

 Classification: Fiction
 Physical Description: 

 BTSB No: 710226 ISBN: 9781547612789
 Ages: 8-11 Grades: 3-6

Price: $22.58

Jaden doesn’t even mind that he’s constantly living in talented, high-achieving Elijah’s shadow. But then Elijah disappears, leaving behind nothing but a cryptic note asking for Jaden’s help. The next day, Jaden is invited to attend The Five Emergences School of Mysteries and Magic. Determined to find his friend, Jaden agrees to attend the school and learn to control his magic. (Postponed from Spring 2024)

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