Bound To Stay Bound

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 Camp Sylvania (Camp Sylvania)
 Author: Murphy, Julie

 Publisher: Balzer & Bray (-1)

 Classification: Fiction
 Physical Description: 

 BTSB No: 664940 ISBN: 9780063114036
 Ages: 8-12 Grades: 3-7

Price: $8.19

Magnolia "Maggie" Hagen is determined to be in the spotlight ... if she can just get over her stage fright. This summer she has big plans to finally attend Camp Rising Star, the famous performing arts camp she’s been dying to go to for three whole summers. But her parents send her to Camp Sylvania instead. After adjusting to the disappointment, the camp doesn't seem half bad--until campers start to go missing and other strange things begin happening after dark.

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