Tradespeople (Careers In The US Military) Author: Miller, J. P. | ||
Price: $17.27 |
Examines what life is like for tradespeople in the military.
School Library Journal (04/01/21)
Booklist (04/15/21)
Full Text Reviews:
School Library Journal - 04/01/2021 Gr 6–9—Middle school readers will be fascinated to learn about these less familiar careers in the U.S. military. Six traditional and nontraditional military careers are identified in these books, each of which defines the scope of the job, required training, and resources for further exploration. Information is thoughtfully organized and visually cohesive, and will appeal to readers at different interest and comprehension levels, with text, captions, and photos placed on each spread. This series is authored by a Black female veteran of the U.S. Air Force, whose short biography appears on the back of each book, making this series a good way to highlight and expand the presence of Black female authors in nonfiction collections. VERDICT Middle and high school collections should consider. - Copyright 2021 Publishers Weekly, Library Journal and/or School Library Journal used with permission.
Booklist - 04/15/2021 Serving in the military can extend beyond the realm of combat to many possible career paths. Grouped into broad categories, the volumes in the Careers in the US Military series (6 titles) reveal the wide range of aptitudes and jobs needed to keep the five branches of the military running successfully. Each book begins with a brief overview of the career type and continues with the specialized skills, training, and duties associated with five specific jobs in that area. Accompanying the accessible, upbeat text are numerous large photos of military members in action. They reflect a diverse workforce that includes women and people of color. Tradespeople emphasizes that specialized jobs, like civil engineering, law enforcement, and transportation specialists, can also translate to career paths outside of the military. Glossary definitions within the text, boxed information, and concluding activities extend comprehension and interest. A solid series for career exploration. - Copyright 2021 Booklist.