Bound To Stay Bound

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 Water : an Earth system (Incredible Changes On Earth)
 Author: Lundgren, Julie K.

 Publisher:  Crabtree (2022)

 Dewey: 551.48
 Classification: Nonfiction
 Physical Description: 24 p., col. ill., col. map, 21 x 21 cm

 BTSB No: 590719 ISBN: 9781039644779
 Ages: 5-7 Grades: K-2

 Water cycle
 Marine ecology
 Water pollution

Price: $7.34

Hurricanes form over warm ocean water. Liquid water becomes a gas or a solid, and then becomes a liquid again. Pollution and climate change affect water habitats. Incredible changes to water are happening all the time, yet the amount of water on Earth remains the same as it ever was!

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