Bound To Stay Bound

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 Author: Lowry, Lois

 Publisher:  Houghton Mifflin (1989)

 Classification: Fiction
 Physical Description: 137 p.,  22 cm.

 BTSB No: 589528 ISBN: 9780395510605
 Ages: 8-12 Grades: 3-7

 World War, 1939-1945 -- Denmark -- Fiction
 World War, 1939-1945 -- Jews -- Fiction
 Friendship -- Fiction
 Denmark -- Fiction

Price: $23.78

In 1943, during the German occupation of Denmark, ten-year-old Annemarie learns how to be brave and courageous when she helps shelter her Jewish friend from the Nazis.

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Accelerated Reader Information:
   Interest Level: MG
   Reading Level: 4.50
   Points: 4.0   Quiz: 379
Reading Counts Information:
   Interest Level: 3-5
   Reading Level: 5.20
   Points: 7.0   Quiz: 08513

 Newbery Medal, 1990

Common Core Standards 
   Grade 4 → Reading → RL Literature → 4.RL Key Ideas & Details
   Grade 4 → Reading → RL Literature → 4.RL Craft & Structure
   Grade 4 → Reading → RF Foundational Skills → 4.RF Phonics & Word Recognition
   Grade 4 → Reading → RF Foundational Skills → 4.RF Fluency
   Grade 5 → Reading → RL Literature → 5.RL Key Ideas & Details
   Grade 5 → Reading → RL Literature → 5.RL Craft & Structure
   Grade 5 → Reading → RL Literature → 5.RL Range of Reading & Level of Text Complexity
   Grade 5 → Reading → RF Foundational Skills → 5.RF Phonics & Word Recognition
   Grade 5 → Reading → RF Foundational Skills → 5.RF Fluency
   Grade 5 → Reading → RL Literature → 5.RL Integration & Knowledge of Ideas
   Grade 5 → Reading → RL Literature → Texts Illustrating the Complexity, Quality, & Rang
   Grade 5 → Reading → CCR College & Career Readiness Anchor Standards fo
   Grade 6 → Reading → RL Literature → 6.RL Key Ideas & Details
   Grade 6 → Reading → RL Literature → 6.RL Craft & Structure
   Grade 6 → Reading → RL Literature → 6.RL Range of Reading & Level of Text Complexity
   Grade 6 → Reading → CCR College & Career Readiness Anchor Standards fo
   Grade 6 → Reading → RL Literature → 6.RL Integration of Knowledge & Ideas
   Grade 3 → Reading → RL Literature → 3.RL Key Ideas & Details
   Grade 3 → Reading → RL Literature → 3.RL Craft & Structure
   Grade 3 → Reading → RL Literature → 3.RL Integration & Knowledge of Ideas
   Grade 4 → Reading → RL Literature → 4.RL Range of Reading & Level of Text Complexity
   Grade 4 → Reading → RL Literature → 4.RL Integration & Knowledge of Ideas
   Grade 4 → Reading → RL Literature → Texts Illustrating the Complexity, Quality, & Rang

   Kirkus Reviews (+)
   School Library Journal (+)
   Booklist (+)
 The Bulletin of the Center for Children's Books (A)
 The Hornbook

Full Text Reviews:

School Library Journal - 09/01/1997 Gr 3-7--The gripping story of a ten-year-old Danish girl and her family's courageous efforts to smuggle Jews out of their Nazi-occupied homeland to safety in Sweden. Readers are taken to the very heart of Annemarie's experience, and, through her eyes, come to understand the true meaning of bravery. (Mar. 1989) - Copyright 1997 Publishers Weekly, Library Journal and/or School Library Journal used with permission.

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