My friend, Loonie Author: LaCour, Nina | ||
Price: $23.78 |
A gentle story of connection and loss finds a promise in memories after a young child loses her constant companion.
Added Entry - Personal Name: | Lindsay, Ashling |
Kirkus Reviews (12/15/22)
School Library Journal (06/23/23)
Booklist (01/01/23)
The Bulletin of the Center for Children's Books (-) (00/03/23)
Full Text Reviews:
Booklist - 01/01/2023 A little girl becomes attached to a special large, yellow balloon, proclaiming it “my friend, Loonie.” In the tradition of invisible companions, Loonie sits at the dinner table and hears a bedtime story along with the girl. Everything is more fun with Loonie—singing, dancing, and even neighborhood walks—until the inevitable happens, with the girl losing her hold on the string and Loonie floating away. Her parents (called only parents but depicted, perhaps, as two moms) try to distract her with gardening, but the girl is inconsolable. Lonely, gray days pass, until eventually the girl notices that one of the flowers her family planted is blooming. Its yellow blossoms remind her of Loonie! When she is able to think of Loonie with happy memories, she begins to notice its bright yellow color in the world around her. Mixed-media illustrations employ changing tones to emphasize the girl’s feelings. While the loss of a balloon may seem trivial to some people experiencing grief, the story expresses emotion in a way that children may recognize and understand. - Copyright 2023 Booklist.
School Library Journal - 06/23/2023 PreS-Gr 2—A very gentle tale of friendship made and lost and its lingering impact on a young girl. When the girl's moms bring home a big yellow balloon it is warmly welcomed, and a brightness comes into the life of the unnamed main character of the story. Loonie, as the balloon is affectionately called, participates in walks and dance parties and the yellow cheerfulness pervades all aspects of the young girl's life. On a trip out to the garden, untethered Loonie floats away and the young girl misses her friend greatly. Her moms try to comfort her with gardening and one day a bright yellow flower blooms from their efforts; the young girl is reminded of all the good times she had with her friend. From then on the young girl sees "yellow in places she'd never noticed before" and the heaviness of her loss has lifted. Mixed media illustrations capture the shifting tone of the story and the emotional journey of the young girl as she makes a new friend, loses that friend, learns to cope with the loss. Children will understand the emotional journey of the protagonist and have stories of connections made and lost ready to share by the end of this charming and heartfelt tale. VERDICT Honoring the emotional complexities of childhood, this is a fine addition for most libraries hoping to help children handle their complex emotional lives.—John Scott - Copyright 2023 Publishers Weekly, Library Journal and/or School Library Journal used with permission.