Bound To Stay Bound

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 Author: Ellis, Deborah

 Publisher: Groundwood Books (-1)

 Classification: Fiction
 Physical Description: 

 BTSB No: 307362 ISBN: 9781773068572
 Ages: 10-13 Grades: 5-8

Price: $23.28

Suspended from school and prone to rages, twelve-year-old Kate finds her own way to get on with her life, despite the messed-up adults around her. Her gran, for one, is stubborn and aloof--not unlike Kate herself, who has no friends, and who’s been expelled for “behavioral issues,” like the meltdowns she has had ever since her mom dumped her with her grandmother. Kate dreams that one day her mother will return for her. When that happens, they’ll need money, so Kate sets out to make some.

   Kirkus Reviews (06/01/24)
   School Library Journal (+) (07/01/24)

Full Text Reviews:

School Library Journal - 07/01/2024 Gr 5 Up—Award-winning author Ellis offers an emotional, inspirational, and relatable story about 12-year-old Kate, who is devastated when her mother unexpectedly drops her off to live with her grandmother, a cantankerous junk store owner with whom she has a complicated relationship. Spunky and resilient Kate uses junk from Gran's store to launch a philosophy business selling famous quotes from an eclectic group of writers and philosophers, including Audre Lorde and Albert Camus. Initially, Kate finds it difficult to interact with her customers due to her anger management issues, distrust of people, and fear that she is disliked. But, as the philosophical quotes help her customers honestly see themselves, the interactions also help Kate begin to understand herself and what she wants from her life. With this newfound insight Kate begins to advocate for those who can't fight for themselves while also opening herself up to new relationships and experiences, helping her to make unexpected friendships and connections. Complex issues such as drug abuse, grief, and family secrets are explored with empathy through the authentic experience of an engaging young girl whom readers will relate to and root for. This title would be a great choice to facilitate book club discussions, and school counselors could also find it helpful for therapy groups. VERDICT A compelling and poignant book that celebrates a courageous young girl's journey toward growing up.—Margaret Auguste - Copyright 2024 Publishers Weekly, Library Journal and/or School Library Journal used with permission.

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