Bound To Stay Bound

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 Author: Bowling, Dusti

 Publisher:  Thorndike Press (2024)

 Classification: Fiction
 Physical Description: 365 p.,  23 cm

 BTSB No: 140437 ISBN: 9798885798211
 Ages: 8-12 Grades: 3-7

 Friendship -- Fiction
 Bullies -- Fiction
 Asthma -- Fiction
 Dust -- Fiction
 Large print books

Price: $23.24

When a boy with a terrible secret moves to town there is a sudden increase in dust storms, and asthmatic Avalyn theorizes the storms are linked to his emotions and tries to help as she struggles to breathe. In large print hardcover format.

Accelerated Reader Information:
   Interest Level: MG
   Reading Level: 4.60
   Points: 8.0   Quiz: 521648

   Kirkus Reviews (06/15/23)
   Booklist (07/23/23)

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