Bound To Stay Bound

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 Rebellion, 1776
 Author: Anderson, Laurie Halse

 Publisher: Atheneum (-1)

 Classification: Fiction
 Physical Description: 

 BTSB No: 058870 ISBN: 9781416968269
 Ages: 10-14 Grades: 5-9

Price: $23.28

In the spring of 1776, thirteen-year-old Elspeth Culpepper wakes to the sound of cannons. It’s the Siege of Boston. Elspeth’s father--her only living relative--has gone missing. Just when things couldn’t feel worse, the smallpox epidemic sweeps across Boston. Elspeth had smallpox so is immune caring for her extended family, hoping she will find her father. (Postponed from Fall 2024)

   Booklist (11/01/23)

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