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Big top flop [Nancy Drew Clue Book Volume: #4]by Keene, Carolyn 

Paperback(Aladdin, 2016)

BTSB #: 039894 Available

Dewey: FAges: 7-10   
AR: 3.7 LG Lexile: 600

Genres: Mystery Fiction

Subjects: Circus - Fiction Whistles - Fiction Mystery fiction

Summary: The Bingle and Bumble Circus is coming to River Heights, and Nancy, Bess, and George are super excited to see the clowns, animals, and acrobats. But most of all, they're excited about the Junior Ringmaster whistling contest! To win, all they have to do is be the kid who whistles the loudest and the longest. The winner of the contest will get to be Junior Ringmaster at the circus's opening night and they'll get a shiny silver whistle as a prize!

4.91 *

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