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Digging deep [Jake Maddox girl sports stories]by Maddox, Jake 

BTSB Prebound(Stone Arch, 2019)

BTSB #: 596262 In Bindery

Dewey: FAges: 8-12   
AR: 3.3 MG RC: 3.4 3-5 Lexile: 600 F&P: P

Genres: Sports

Subjects: Volleyball - Fiction Teamwork (Sports) - Fiction Stress (Psychology) - Fiction Best friends - Fiction Friendship - Fiction Muslims - United States - Fiction Arab Americans - Fiction

Summary: Asiyah Najjar is upping her volleyball game and joining the travel team. But the practices are longer, harder, and more frequent than her old rec squad's. Now easygoing Asiyah is having a tough time focusing and making the commitment. Can she dig deep and jump to the next level of play?

22.73 *

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