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Zip, zoom! [Ty's travels, I Can Read! My First Shared Reading]by Lyons, Kelly Starling 

Paperback(Harper, 2020)

BTSB #: 591644 Available

Dewey: EAges: 4-8   
AR: 1.3 LG

Genres: Family Life

Subjects: Scooters - Fiction Family life - Fiction Imagination - Fiction Perseverance - Fiction

Summary: Ty can't wait to ride his brand-new scooter at the park. Other kids zip and zoom by like race cars, but all Ty can do is wobble! Ty wants to give up, but a new friend helps Ty give it another try.

4.91 *

Zip, zoom! [I Can Read! My First Shared Reading, Ty's travels]by Lyons, Kelly Starling 

BTSB Prebound(Harper, 2020)

BTSB #: 591669 Available

Dewey: EAges: 4-8   
AR: 1.3 LG

Genres: Family Life

Subjects: Scooters - Fiction Family life - Fiction Imagination - Fiction Perseverance - Fiction

Summary: Ty can't wait to ride his brand-new scooter at the park. Other kids zip and zoom by like race cars, but all Ty can do is wobble! Ty wants to give up, but a new friend helps Ty give it another try.

* Your Discounted Price

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