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Shine on, Luz Veliz! by Balcarcel, Rebecca 

Paperback(Chronicle Books, 2024)

BTSB #: 085734 Available

Dewey: FAges: 8-12   
AR: 3.8 MG Lexile: 550 F&P: W

Genres: Family Life Multicultural

Subjects: Belonging (Psychology) - Fiction Computer programming - Fiction Sisters - Fiction Family life - Texas - Fiction Emigration and immigration - Fiction Neighbors - Fiction Guatemalan Americans - Fiction

Summary: Eleven-year-old injured soccer player Luz has a hard enough time reframing her identity as a computer programmer, but when her Guatemalan half-sister moves in, she learns what it truly means to start over.

7.37 *

Shine on, Luz Veliz! by Balcarcel, Rebecca 

BTSB Prebound(Chronicle Books, 2022)

BTSB #: 085739 Available

Dewey: FAges: 8-12   
AR: 3.8 MG Lexile: 550 F&P: W

Genres: Family Life Multicultural

Subjects: Belonging (Psychology) - Fiction Computer programming - Fiction Sisters - Fiction Family life - Texas - Fiction Emigration and immigration - Fiction Neighbors - Fiction Guatemalan Americans - Fiction

Summary: Eleven-year-old injured soccer player Luz has a hard enough time reframing her identity as a computer programmer, but when her Guatemalan half-sister moves in, she learns what it truly means to start over.

22.58 *

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