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Coral reefs : cities of the ocean [Science Comics]by Wicks, Maris 

BTSB Prebound(First Second, 2016)

BTSB #: 943805 Available

Dewey: 577.789/NAges: 9-12   
AR: 5.8 MG Lexile: 890 GN

Subjects: Coral reef ecology Coral reefs and islands

Summary: This absorbing look at ocean science covers the biology of coral reefs as well as their ecological importance. In graphic novel format.

19.08 *

Diving on a coral reef : the wonders of a coral reef [Explore!]by Watts, Robert T. 

Paperback New title.(Knowledge Books, 2024)

BTSB #: 606271 Temp OS

Dewey: 577/NAges: 8-12   
AR: 4.5 MG

Subjects: Coral reefs and islands

Summary: An introduction in hi-lo text to the science, exploration, and conservation of coral reefs and a general outline of the coral reef systems.

8.19 *

Diving on a coral reef : the wonders of a coral reef [Explore!]by Watts, Robert T. 

BTSB Prebound(Knowledge Books, 2024)

BTSB #: 924371 Available

Dewey: 577/NAges: 8-12   
AR: 4.5 MG

Subjects: Coral reefs and islands

Summary: An introduction in hi-lo text to the science, exploration, and conservation of coral reefs and a general outline of the coral reef systems.

16.79 *

Who needs a reef? : a coral reef ecosystem [Ecosystem series]by Patkau, Karen 

BTSB Prebound(Tundra Books, 2014)

BTSB #: 703489 Available

Dewey: 577.7/NAges: 7-10   

Subjects: Coral reefs and islands Coral reef ecology

Summary: Takes readers on an amazing voyage of discovery to find out how coral reefs form, which plants and animals attach themselves to coral reefs, where the coral reef areas of the world are, and much more.

22.58 *

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