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Flunked [Fairy Tale Reform School]by Calonita, Jen 

Paperback(Sourcebooks Jabberwocky, 2016)

BTSB #: 183926 Temp OS

Dewey: FAges: 14-18   
AR: 4.8 MG Lexile: 710

Genres: Fairy Tales

Subjects: Fairy tales Characters and characteristics in literature - Fiction Good and evil - Fiction Reformatories - Fiction School stories

Summary: When petty thief Gilly, who lives with five younger brothers and sisters in a run-down boot, gets caught stealing, she is sentenced to three months at Fairy Tale Reform School, where all of the teachers are former villains, including the Big Bad Wolf, the Evil Queen, and Cinderella's Wicked Stepmother.

6.55 *

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