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Total Price: $21.88 *
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Ra the mighty : the crocodile caper [Ra The Mighty]by Greenfield, Amy Butler 

BTSB Prebound(Holiday House, 2020)

BTSB #: 400447 Available

Dewey: FAges: 7-10   
AR: 3.9 MG F&P: R

Genres: Animals Mystery Fiction Historical Fiction

Subjects: Cats - Fiction Scarabs - Fiction Missing children - Fiction Smuggling - Fiction Mystery fiction Egypt - History|yTo 332 B.C. - Fiction

Summary: Ra, the pharoah's pampered cat, and his scarab beetle sidekick, Khepri, investigate when crown prince Dedi disappears from the palace of one of Pharoah's wives in ancient Egypt.

21.88 *

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